Book Description
Tulsīdāsa’s Shrī Rāma-Charita-Mānasa, written in the 16 th century, is an epic scripture that has always gripped the imagination of Bhārat (India) and shaped its value system, traditions, and culture. Yet, the original written in the vernacular, Awadhi is not understood by all. This annotated, word-for-word English translation fills that gap—enabling a deeper, in-depth understanding of the finer nuances and mysteries lurking in the greatest of scriptures ever to be written. A must-read for anyone wishing to comprehend the depths of the Rāma story told in this literary masterpiece.
The scripture, a voluminous text, with translation, annotated notes, and images is laid out in three volumes. The following details provide a bird’s eye view of the contents of this book.
Volume I
This includes background and preliminary information for reading this scripture. This entire volume has only the first Canto, the longest Canto of this book.
Provides a broader background context, relating to the organization, language, author, translator, and reading of this scripture.
Canto I: The Bāla Kānda—The Childhood Canto
Weddings of Shiva and Pārvatī, Rāvana’s creation and atrocities, the birth of Rāma, and the wedding of Rāma and Sītā.
Additional Book Details
Volume I
Hardcover: Vol-1 – 540 pages, full colour
Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 Edition (2023)
Author: Chandan Lal Dhody (Translator)
ISBN-13: 9781636409252
Product Dimensions: 8.5 X 11 inches
Book Wt.: 1.97 kgs
Available in India from: WFP store online and