Meet the

Trust Chairperson

Diksha Thapar

Mrs. Diksha Dhody Thapar

Mrs. Diksha Dhody Thapar, a charismatic personality and a born leader, a gifted storyteller, Annapurna (giver of food), and the family matriarch is an M.A., B.Ed., in her time was the top college athlete winning innumerable trophiesnow devotes her life to spreading happiness in the world.  She is the key driving force behind the DDD Charitable Trust. The translator’s daughter, the middle one among five siblings, has led a fulfilling life devoted to selfless service to family and others and is a role model for many. Raising children with values, nurturing them with wisdom from our scriptures, and maintaining a pristine and clean environment, are her cherished ideals. Hers is an exemplary life of devotion and service to others.

After having led a fulfilling life supporting her familyhusband, mother-in-law, and children–life has now come a full circle. Free from her worldly responsibilities, she devotes every minute of her time to teaching, leading, and staying involved in the DDD Trust mission’s efforts to spread Vedic values. At the same time, she continues to play an active role in the family’s business ventures 

She recounts memories of a happy childhood that was spent in Shimla and Chandigarh. Following her post-graduation, she took up a job in Chandigarh as a Hindi teacher. After marriage, she adapted comfortably to living in the remote hills/mountains of Himachal Pradesh with her husband, a horticulturist, in his orchards and nurseries, and has lived life in the lap of nature. Today she effortlessly glides between staying at home in the hills and traveling around the world to visit her daughters.  

As a trained educator, she realized the value of a good education and made tremendous personal sacrifices in life to ensure that her four daughters got the best education that they could provide. Her life is a living example of how education can transform the destinies—of children, and of women, in particular. One educated woman has the power to transform the fates of so many others.  She continues to not just talk the talk but shows how to walk the walk. Currently, she has taken on the responsibility of educating a young girl caught in a distraught situation due to family circumstances.  

Read the testimonial in this young high schooler’s words (translated from Hindi). 

“I am a 16-year-old student studying in 10th standard. I have been staying with Diksha Thapar ji for the past 2 years. After a fight between my mother and father, my father left the family. After some time, my mother remarried. I am not opposed to my mother’s remarriage. I am happy that she is happy. However, I cannot trust the intentions of my stepfather. Therefore, I decided to not live with my mothers and sisters and live with Diksha Thapar Ji. Seeing and understanding my plight she adopted me from her heart and showered a mother’s love. I am very grateful to her for accepting me as a daughter and taking on responsibility for my education. I will always have very high regard for Diksha Thapar ji in my heart. And I thank God from my heart and am forever grateful to him for giving me this opportunity to study through Diksha Thapar Ji.”  

Diksha Thapar Ji is an inspiration to many others who have tried to follow in her footsteps.  Her every act reflects her strong faith, fearless spirit, and strength of character. She showers love and nourishment to those who come into her purview.  

DDD Charitable Trust is fortunate to have her leading this noble mission.